Recruitment Episodes

April 26, 2021

Extra Fran Halsall

More Fran Halsall! Fran gives us her top 3 tips for recruiters. #MarketingRules The Marketing Rules Extra is supported by The Scoop: To connect with Fran:

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April 19, 2021

Before AI, comes automation and integration with James Lawton

You can't look at a new piece of tech without seeing the words Artificial Intelligence, but before AI, comes automation and integration. Talking to James week is James Lawton, Sales Director from TargetRecruit. James and Jame...

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April 14, 2021

The Recruitment Marketing Congress with Christina Robinson (PODSWAP!)

This episode is a little different as I'm talking to Christina Robinson from Green Umbrella about the upcoming Recruitment Marketing Congress. Both Christina and I are talking at the Congress and this is a quick chat about th...

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March 29, 2021

Extra Jon Brooks

More Jon Brooks! Jon gives us his top 3 tips for recruiters. #MarketingRules To connect with Jon: The marketing Rules Extra is supported by The Scoop: Learn mo...

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March 15, 2021

Who is responsible for Diversity and Inclusion in the recruitment pro…

Hopefully we are all familiar with the benefits of having a more Diverse and Inclusive workforce, but this process begins even before the candidate submits their resume. Talking to me this week is Yvan Demosthenes, CEO at Ham...

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March 8, 2021

An olympian in recruitment - Francesca Halsall

How does an olympian end up working in recruitment? This week's guest is Commonwealth champion and Olympic swimmer Fran Halsall. Fran discusses the mentality of an elite sportsperson, how to deal with the ups and downs and ho...

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Feb. 22, 2021

Can you automate cultural fit with Lee McQueen

Cultural fit is a term recruiters have hung their hats on for a few years now. The way you assess a candidate's skills and attitude to fit into a business has become big business. This week's guest is Lee McQueen, serial HR e...

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Feb. 8, 2021

Should you shout about your fees with Jon Brooks

A sometimes taboo area in recruitment is pricing. How big or small are you margins and how you compare to your peers is always a hot topic. Join James this week is Jon Brooks from The Value Advantage. Jon has carved out a nic...

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Feb. 1, 2021

Extra Gavin Megnauth

More Gavin Megnauth! Gavin gives us his top 3 tips for recruiters. #MarketingRules To connect with Gavin: Learn more about James and ThinkinCircles: https...

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Jan. 18, 2021

Inbound marketing with Dan Tyre from HubSpot

If you haven't heard of the 'inbound marketing methodology' then where have you been? But did you know it was Hubspot that popularised the term, they then went onto to refine it with the 'flywheel' approach. Joining James thi...

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Jan. 11, 2021

Extra Greg McManus

More Greg McManus! Greg gives us his top 3 tips for recruiters. #MarketingRules To connect with Greg: Learn more about James and ThinkinCircles: h...

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Jan. 4, 2021

How to grow a recruitment business using technology with Gavin Megnau…

Gavin is the Director of Digital Transformation at GQR/Wynden Stark and he talks to James about how GQR has used technology to grow every part of their business and how he sees the future of recruitment technology. #Marketin...

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Dec. 21, 2020

Does marketing move in waves with Dan Sodergren

Does marketing trends move in waves, similar to what we see in music and fashion? If it does, then how does your business keep up? James is joined by Dan Sodergren, marketing, tech and HR expert. Dan has over 20 years experie...

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Dec. 14, 2020

How to become a great recruitment consultant with Greg McManus

What are the steps to becoming a great recruitment consultant? This weeks guest is Greg McManus, Non Exec Director, Board Adviser and Founder at GMA. Greg takes James through the basics to the advanced strategies for becoming...

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Dec. 7, 2020

What recruiters can learn from Christmas movies with Liz Lembke

Liz Lembke returns for some festive fun! Following on from their podcast on ' What Recruiters can learn from 80's movies ', Liz and James chat about 'What recruiters can learn from Christmas movies'. So sit back, grabs some E...

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