April 11, 2022

Is marketing hard to measure with Glenn Southam

Is marketing hard to measure with Glenn Southam

Why, how and what we measure in marketing has always been a point of contention. More than often marketing KPIs are set from high above and have little to no relation to the day to day efforts and success of a marketing department.

So are KPI's dead and should we bother measuring anything at all?

Join me this week to discuss this is Glenn Southam.

Glenn is a vocal proponent of the role of marketers and community managers for the influential Lonely Marketers group.


Support for this podcast comes from Staffing Future

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and Liquid Palladium:


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Learn more about James and ThinkinCircles:



Glenn Profile Photo



I worked in recruitment marketing positions in-house from 2004 through to 2018, within multiple high-growth companies. I’ve been part of three due diligence processes that resulted in acquisition and investment, and I’ve also grown marketing teams from scratch through to global departments.

Since 2018 I've worked with over 30 recruitment businesses advising them on strategies and help develop their in-house marketing functions.

I'm also the polar bear keeper at The Lonely Marketers, a community of marketers working in recruitment.